By joining, you help shape the direction of our local foods and traditions and connect with local, like-minded neighbors who are equally dedicated to a more sustainable future and to making Good, Clean, and Fair food a reality for all.



Membership Levels

  • $60 Individual membership

  • $30 Youth or Student membership

  • $30 Limited resources level

  • $100 Family membership

  • $250 Cultivator Membersthip

Membership Benefits

  • 25% discount on most Slow Food USA merchandise

  • 10% off annual Slow Wine Guide

  • Slow Food discounts at The Foodocracy and Planted Places

  • Three e-updates from the Slow Food USA team each year

  • Discount on all virtual conferences hosted by Slow Food USA

  • News and updates from your local chapter, with information about events, volunteer opportunities and ways to support your local food community

  • Discounts on local and regional Slow Food events

  • A limited-edition gift at the end of the year

Be sure to request the “Charleston SC” chapter at the end of the online registration process.


What does my membership support?